~ Upcoming Events ~

Food for the Journey
Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Simple Supper

After the 6:30 Mass in the Cafeteria and Gym

Soup and SandwichesWe invite members of the Community of Eight Parishes to join in the fun and fellowship.  

MenuDonated meatless soups, grilled cheese sandwiches and a beverage

We will provide the grilled cheese sandwiches, crackers and beverage.

We are requesting that you bring your favorite meatless soup (preferably warm in a crock pot) to share with those attending.  Drop off of soups will begin at 5:30 pm through 6:15 pm.  Please use the entrances to church or drop off at door #3 by the school kitchen.  We will have people stationed at each drop-off point to assist you.

We look forward to seeing you!

Mardi Gras Party
Lenten Retreat
Community of Eight Parishes, Racine WI

St Sebastian’s is a part of the Catholic Community of Eight in Racine. If you are unable to attend Mass at St. Sebastian’s, please join us at one of our other community churches.

Weekend Mass Schedule as of Nov 30, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration
Weekday Masses

Sign up for our Newsletter

If you haven’t signed up for or viewed the newsletter yet, it comes via email at 4PM on Fridays (if possible, sometimes it gets pushed back.) It features Fr. Juan’s article for Sunday, a “weekend preview” which is a short reflection on the readings, various parish events, last minute updates (cancellations, closures, etc.), links to electronic giving, and a spotlight section which features one of the following: 

  1. Happened during the week.
  2. Is happening during the upcoming week.
  3. Big announcements (parish, Arch, or Churchwide)
  4. Prayer or educational content for upcoming holiday, feast day, or liturgical seasons. 

Becoming A Member of St. Sebastian’s

If you would like to become a member of St. Sebastian Parish, there are registration cards in the back of church on the wall rack. Registration cards may be mailed in, dropped in the collection basket, slipped in the mail slot on the parish office door on the weekends, or brought to the Parish Office during the week, Monday – Friday 8:30am to 12:30pm.


For more information on Baptisms.




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Anointing of the Sick

Anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;  and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.


Bible Study
Connect with Young Adults